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Collections - The basics reinforced

Firstly, the same example as on the main 4.3.11 page, only showing the usefulness of the resetNext( ) method.

Plus showing a collection/list of user made objects.

public static void main(String[] args) {
3        OurList<String> list = new OurList<String>();
4        list.addItem(new String("hello"));
5        list.addItem(new String("world"));
6        list.addItem(new String("how are you?"));
7        list.resetNext();
8        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
9            while (list.hasNext()) {
10                System.out.println(list.getNext());
11            }
12        } else {
13            System.out.println("List is empty");
14        }

15        list.resetNext(); // Here, we go back to the beginning, with reset( )
16        System.out.println("The first in the list, once again is: " + list.getNext());
17        System.out.println();

18        //And here, we show it's the same sort of thing with OOP (for when OOP is done).
19        OurList<StudentClass> studentList = new OurList<StudentClass>();
20        studentList.addItem(new StudentClass("Sally", 17, true));
21        studentList.addItem(new StudentClass("Bob", 18, false));
22        System.out.println(studentList.getNext().getName());
23    }


how are you?
The first in the list, once again is: hello
